We’d like to take a moment to say thank you to everyone in the community and beyond. It’s been a great year and we couldn’t be providing all that is parse without everyone’s help.

When the open source server was made available there was an amazing outpouring of support. Countless contributor put in hard work to improve the server. Not only that but so many of you have also taken time to help out with the sdks. Today we still see that same outpouring of support, and we’d really like to thank you for that.

It’s because of everyone who has given their time and effort that we can be proud of what parse has become, and is still becoming today! We really couldn’t do all of what we do without everyone that helps out. So, if you helped out pat yourself on the back! You and the community are part of what makes parse what it is today.

We hope that everyone is having a fantastic new year (with plenty of resolutions of course). We look forward to another year of working with you all. Not to mention another year of PRs, issues and code reviews!

Happy New Years everybody!


The Parse Community Team

Ben Friedman,