Daniel Blyth -
Parse Server is a great, quick way to create an app backend without requiring years of knowledge and time.
There are a few additional steps you can do to ensure that your code is the best it can be, and be assured that your Parse Server always runs as smoothly as possible, even as your Cloud Code continues to grow.
Daniel Blyth -
The most amazing feature of Parse Server is that it’s accessible for developers of all skill levels.
Personally, I started playing around with Objective-C in 2012.
Parse was a way for me to build a complete online app, without having the in-depth knowledge of how to build networking, storage, user systems, etc.
The more I built with Parse, the more I learnt JavaScript, which has fortunately allowed me to contribute to Parse Server.
Although it might seem daunting, contributing to our great open-source project is encouraged to all developers, and in this blog post, I’m going to give you an insight as to how.
Florent Vilmart -
You’ll find this post in your _posts
directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve
, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.
To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts
directory that follows the convention YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext
and includes the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works.
Fosco Marotto -
Here at Parse, we are big fans of open source software and the communities which form to build things together. Parse Server, released just 47 days ago, has already seen 50 contributors join the team. It’s incredibly exciting to see this project moving so quickly, with new features being added along with many improvements and fixes. We’ve been open-minded to suggestions, and have favored accepting contributions over enforcing too many rules. The Parse eco-system is yours now, and it’s very important that you feel some ownership.